Monday contemporary classes with Flavia Coube

Another two Monday contemporary classes scheduled at URC before Christmas, 12.00-2.00pm on 10th and 17th December, this time taught by Flavia Coube.

Flavia brings international experience and perspective to Oxford having originally studied Body Expression, classical ballet, contemporary dance and jazz in Brasil where she danced with the contemporary company Des-Ar-Mar.  Since coming to Oxford she has studied Butoh with Jeannie Donald-McKim and Ana Barbour, and for four years has performed with Café Reason.

Flavia writes:
“I read in a book that “the ‘movement’ becomes ‘dance’ when all the parts of the experience –the body, the movement, the imagination, the use of space – come together”.  In these two classes I’d like to invite people to work with their expressive body and movement, using their imagination and surroundings in order for this shared experience to become dance.  Improvising with contrasts is one of many ways in which we can achieve this.  Experienced dancers, beginners and everyone else in between are welcome.”
What nicer way to wind up the term than exploring creative and imaginative movement to make dance – a pre-Christmas treat… see you there!

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