Ballet classes for November and December 2020

Following on from the previous update; ballet classes via Zoom from my kitchen will be continuing throughout November and the first half of December as follows:

Monday Kitchen classes 5.30-7.00pm: a new series of 5 classes up to and including Monday 14th December will start on Monday 16th November.

Thursday Advanced classes 10.00-11.30am: a new series of 7 classes up to and including Thursday 17th December began last week.

Saturday Adult Beginners 10.00-11.15am: a follow-on series of 6 classes up to and including Saturday 12th December began last week.

Please email me if you would like to receive a Zoom invitation for any of these classes or need further information. The charge for all classes continues to be £7.

Sadly under the current lockdown live classes in Oxford have had to cease for the time being. Colleague Ségolène Tarte will however be resuming offering some classes online over this period, so check out updates to her schedule here:

Keep dancing!


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